
Mitopure Powder Sample - Ginger

Cellular energy with a fresh and flavorful twist. The health benefits of organic ginger bring more than just flavor to our Mitopure powder. Each stickpack contains your daily dose of Urolithin A (500mg of Mitopure). Mix it with yogurts, smoothies, and other breakfast favorites.

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  • Energy

  • Strength

  • Endurance

  • Optimal levels

Mitopure Powder Sample - Ginger
Mitopure Powder Sample - Ginger
Mitopure Powder Sample - Ginger
Mitopure Powder Sample - Ginger
Mitopure Powder Sample - Ginger

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. References: *Nutrition studies: 500mg Mitopure® have been shown to (1) induce gene expression related to mitochondria function and metabolism and (2) increase the strength of the hamstring leg muscle in measures of knee extension and flexion in overweight 40-65 year olds. Data from two randomized double-blind placebo-controlled human clinical trials. **Nutrition NOURISH Study: 500mg Mitopure® have been shown to deliver at least 6 times higher Urolithin A plasma levels over 24 hours (area under the curve) than 8 ounces (240ml) of pomegranate juice in a randomized human clinical trial.